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Welcome to Africa's Renewable Energy Revolution

Powering Africa's Future, Sustaining the Planet

At Bluestone Service Group we are at the forefront of driving Africa's sustainable energy transformation. Our commitment to Africa's Net Zero Roadmap is unwavering, and we are excited to introduce groundbreaking advancements like Ambri's cutting-edge liquid metal battery technology that are reshaping the future of renewable energy storage.

Why Choose Us?

1. Clean Energy Solutions

We specialize in solar, wind, and battery energy storage systems (BESS), delivering clean, reliable energy that reduces carbon emissions and mitigates climate impact.


2. Sustainable Impact

Our projects go beyond energy production. We prioritize community engagement, job creation, and local capacity building, ensuring sustainable development and shared benefits.

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3. Net Zero Commitment

We're dedicated to supporting Africa's Net Zero Roadmap, setting ambitious targets to achieve carbon neutrality and create a greener, more resilient continent.


4. Cutting-Edge Technology
We leverage state-of-the-art technology and innovative approaches to maximize energy efficiency and minimize environmental impact. 

Partnered with Ambri, we're redefining energy storage. Ambri's breakthrough technology drastically reduces Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) costs per MW, making reliable energy storage more accessible than ever

5. Partnering for Progress
Collaboration is at the heart of our mission. We work closely with governments, local communities, and global partners to create a brighter future together.

Join Us in Shaping Africa's Renewable Future
Together, we can make a difference. Join us on this transformative journey towards a sustainable, Net Zero Africa. Explore our projects, learn about our impact, and be part of the renewable energy revolution.

Get in Touch to explore partnership opportunities, get involved, or simply stay informed about our latest initiatives. Together, we can build a greener, brighter future for Africa and the world.

"Best Practice" Delivery methods

By combining these innovative funding solutions with "best practice" project delivery, Business Service Management framework,  APQC Business Process Optimisation & re-engineering all based on International standards, frameworks and methodologies and a clear Digital Strategy using state-of-the-art cloud based collaboration tools and apps like Trello, Monday will give you the edge you need. 


Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.

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