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Based on international frameworks and standards


Now that you realise change is required,how do you manage that change and implement it in your organization. Program management or programme management is the process of managing several related projects, often with the intention of improving an organization's performance. In practice and in its aims it is often closely related to systems engineering, industrial engineering, change management, and business transformation


What are the Benefits of Programme Management?

  • Achieving the overall strategic goals of an organization.

  • Improve management of projects interdependencies and impact on the business as usual.

  • Effectively managing resources among projects within a programme.

  • Manage risks, issues and changes across the programme efficiently.

  • Focus on definition and management of strategic benefits.

Cloud based tools/apps for high level Project Management

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An Innovative Solution

TeamGantt is a refreshing take on project planning software that brings gantt charts online. You can plan, schedule, and manage your projects with our free gantt chart software. Best of all, you can invite clients and teams to collaborate on your gantt chart or project plan.

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Collaborate Project Management

Manage Projects To Perfection

Big dreams turn into bigger results with a killer project plan. Use this basic structure to build your team's ideal workflow, for projects big or small.

Here's what's included, and how to get this project management party started:

  1. Resources (Start Here!): This list is perfect for you and your team to have all those documents, specs, designs, or anything you tend to reference all the time. Meeting schedules and answers to common questions are also recommended to pop into this list so that your team is informed at all times. 📚

  2. Questions For Next Meeting: Never again forget that important question you thought of in the shower this morning! Slide your Q's into this handy list so your team keeps on flowing. 🌊

  3. To Do: The mother of all lists—the good ol' To Do. This is where assigned tasks live so that your team can see who's working on what and when it's due. Crystal clear all day, week, and month. 🔮

  4. Pending: We all have those in-between tasks that are technically done but also awkwardly waiting for another step. That's where the Pending list comes into play, use this list to share what those next mini-steps are with your team. 💬

  5. Blocked: With any successful project comes at least one inevitable blocker. Splash those red-tape, blocking issues that are slowing your team down so you can tackle it in the best way; together. 🚷

  6. Done: Our favorite list, the Done list. Stop, drag, and drop! For all your finished tasks that your team has hustled on and feels proud of. 

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